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Heaven is not a geographical location; it is a state of consciousness (the realm of ever-expanding good. And Yeshua told us it was WITHIN. Have you tapped in?


Let’s have fun  this month as we tap into the realm of “ever-expanding good” and co-create with Spirit a new and improved third dimensional life.

SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 2021

Stay Tapped In and Turned Up!

SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2021

The Power of Imagination


Release limiting thoughts and imagine something greater



I imagine good unfolding in every area of my life.

Imagination—The ability to conceptualize and envision a different future.

The disciple is Bartholomew. He represents positive thoughts held in mind. The corresponding color is light blue, and the location is between the eyes.


See It Right

By Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann
(excerpted from Your God-Given Potential)


In Unity, there is a saying: “To set it right, see it right!” This is a clue to the proper use of our God-given faculty of imagination.


In order to change conditions in our mind, body, and affairs, we must first transform the pictures we are holding in mind …




If we don't like the conditions we are attracting, we can change them by building new images with the eye of the mind, our faculty of imagination.


We have what amounts to a continuously running moving-picture show being shown on a screen in our mind. Here we view our world, review past events, and project future experiences. If we project flickering images of first one thing and then another into our inner theater, we will express or attract a mixture of experiences, good and bad, in our life.


However, by learning to the make the right use of this important faculty and by making sure it is continuously guided and directed by the Christ, or God Self, of our being, we can develop an imagination that will not only serve us well, but will also provide tremendous support in developing our other God-given powers.


Imagination makes its home in the body at a point between the eyes, where we might think of its function as that of a “third eye,” one that enables us to see beyond what we normally take in through our two physical eyes …


As we seek to develop our power of imagination for God purposes, we concentrate our attention at this point between the eyes and encourage the awakening of our power to picture God ideas …


Here we are able to release limiting thoughts and feelings by perceiving or glimpsing something greater, our divine potentiality. It may come to us first in the form of pictures. As we communicate with other people by describing mental images, so God communicates divine ideas and plans to us by projecting greater goals and good onto the screens of our minds …


Imagination cannot be forced. It must be invited. Relaxation is important to keep the channels open in developing all the 12 powers, but it is especially necessary in working with the perceiving power within us …


The more you become interested in showing yourself pictures of happy, healthy, prosperous, joyous experiences, the easier it becomes to forget the old, limiting pictures of the past …

And while the pictures change in your mind, your body and circumstances are changing too. Because when you see it right, you set it right!


A Meditation on the Power of Imagination


In this moment, I am aware of the presence of God flowing through me, energizing and renewing all areas of my life. I use my imagination, the creative power of Spirit, to think about what I wish to see in my life.

I let go of limiting thoughts and relax into the playful joy of imagination. I envision a healthy, energetic body; relationships that are loving, fun, and harmonious; success in my plans and endeavors; lavish abundance; and dreams coming true.

Fueled by the creative energy of the Divine, my imagination explores my wishes and dreams. I have fun imagining, knowing my thoughts can be brought into reality.

When I focus on life as a spiritual adventure, I can imagine gifts, opportunities, and the presence of Spirit in every event or circumstance. Grateful for my life today, I eagerly 

anticipate ongoing blessings in my continuing adventure of life.



I create big, bold, and brilliant imaginings. My visions are lofty, and my dreams are awesome.




SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2021

We are still... "HIRING THE HEAVENS".


This week we are Speaking Out Loud..

“Speak IT Into Existence!”



Sunday, May 30, 2021     


Choose the affirmations that resonate with you and speak them daily for 10 minutes. Re-write them if they do not resonate with you.  It’s important that you speak words that have meaning “to you”.


“I am divinely guided this week. 


I am guided into greater peace and joy.”


“My income exceeds my outgo.”


“This week I walk inside of the magnetic, loving Presence of Most High and wherever I go I am a blessing and I am blessed.”

“I am one with the One Life of God.  Every cell of my body is filled with LIFE, God’s Life!”


“I have beautiful, loving relationships!”

“There is a divine solution to this situation. The divine solution is the sublime solution. I give thanks that the divine solution quickly appears now.”


“I am an irresistible magnet, with the power to attract unto myself everything that I divinely desire, according to the thoughts, feelings and mental pictures I constantly entertain and radiate. I am the center of my Universe! I have the power to create whatever I wish.”


“I am now experiencing perfect health, abundant prosperity and complete and utter happiness.”


“ I am now coming into an innumerable company of angels. I am now living a delightful, interesting and satisfying life.”


“I am now activated by Divine Love and guided by divine power into my right work, which I perform in a perfect way for perfect pay.”

“ The divine plan of my life now takes shape in definite concrete experiences, leading to perfect health, happiness, success and prosperity.”


“Divine intelligence is in charge of my life. I am now open, receptive, and obedient to its rich instruction and guidance.”

“Divine intelligence knows our need, knows where the right house is and knows how to manifest it to us at the right time.”


“Divine restoration is taking place. The good which the locusts of lack have eaten is being divinely restored. The divine law of balance and equilibrium is doing its perfect work.”


“Refusing to criticize another’s prosperity, I turn to God and ask for direction and I am prospered.”


“This situation does not dismay me. God is with me to uphold and sustain me, and to make all things right. I trust everything in my life to the tender care of Most High.


“Nothing but good can come into my life, for God is in charge.”

“I give thanks for the immediate, complete, divine fulfillment of these desires. This or something better comes forth with perfect timing, according to God’s rich good for me.”


“Divine intelligence now works in me and my life and affairs, to will and to do whatever for my highest good, and divine intelligence cannot fail.!”


“Regardless of taxes, the cost of living or the rate of unemployment, my financial income can and does increase richly now through the direct action of God.”


“There is nothing for me to fear. God’s Spirit of good is at work and divine results are coming forth.”


“There is no absence of life, substance or intelligence anywhere, so there is no absence of life, substance or intelligence in this situation or in my life.”


“Divine intuition is now showing me the way. Divine intuition is now working in and through me, in and through all concerned, producing easily and quickly the perfect outcome, the perfect result.”

“Divine telepathy is now revealing to me all truth about my special powers for prosperity.”


“ I have unshakeable faith in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life, for God is in absolute control.” “God’s almighty power goes before me, making easy, successful and delightful my way.”

“You walk in the charmed circle of God’s love, and you are divinely irresistible to your highest good now.”


“There is no condemnation or resentment in me, for me or round about me. Divine love and harmony now reign supreme in me and in my world so all criticism now ceases.”


“We use the prosperous power of divine intelligence in wisdom, integrity and good judgment in all our financial affairs. We give thanks that every financial obligation is paid on time.”


“There is no criticism or condemnation in me, for me, or against me. Divine love, wisdom and order now reveal perfect guidance and produce perfect results in me and my world.”


“The same divine trust that first motivated this financial transaction is now mightily at work, clearing it up for the highest good for all concerned.”


“There is a divine solution to this situation. The divine solution is the sublime solution. I give thanks that the divine solution quickly appears now!”


“I give thanks for the divine restoration in my business affairs, divine restoration is now doing its perfect work for all involved, and the perfect result appears now.


"I give thanks that every financial obligation is now being met in God’s own wise and wonderful way.”


“Everything and everybody prospers us now, and we prosper everything and everybody now.”


“I give thanks for divine restoration in my business affairs. Divine restoration is now doing its perfect work for all involved, and the perfect result appears now. I give thanks; that every financial obligation is now being met in God’s own wise and wonderful way.”


“I will not put up with or tolerate this experience as necessary, lasting or right. I refuse to accept things as they are. I am God’s child and I will accept nothing but His complete goodness for me.”

“This is God’s day, a good day. I pronounce this day and all of its activities good!”

“I am now open and receptive to the rich, divine ideas that now perfectly initiate and sustain my business affairs.”


“Nothing can defeat me. I give thanks for the perfect, immediate right results. I rejoice that I am now successful in all my ways.”


“I do not depend upon persons or conditions for my prosperity. God is the source of my supply, so I now put God first financially. The voluntary, faithful tithing of my whole income now operates the law of ever-increasing prosperity for me.


“This is a time of satisfying completion. I loose and let go this day. Divine intelligence establishes only good from it. All else fades away.”

“All financial doors are open; all financial channels are free, and endless bounty now comes to me.”


“I use the positive power of God’s rich substance in wisdom, love and good judgment in all my financial affairs, and I am prospered in all my ways.”


“I give thanks that I am beautifully and appropriately:

- clothed with the rich substance of God.
- housed with the rich substance of God.
- transported with the rich substance of God.”

“Divine order is now established and maintained, harmony reigns supreme.”


“My words are charged with prospering power.”

“I give thanks for the immediate, complete payment of all financial obligations, in God’s own wonderful way.”


“I give thanks for the immediate, complete, divine fulfillment of these desires. This or something better comes forth with perfect timing, according to God’s rich good for me.”


“Divine intelligence now works in me and my life and affairs, to will and to do whatever for my highest good, and divine intelligence cannot fail.!”


“Regardless of taxes, the cost of living or the rate of unemployment, my financial income can and does increase richly now through the direct action of God.”


“There is nothing for me to fear. God’s Spirit of good is at work and divine results are coming forth.”


There is no absence of life, substance or intelligence anywhere, so there is no absence of life, substance or intelligence in this situation or in my life.”


“Divine intuition is now showing me the way. Divine intuition is now working in and through me, in and through all concerned, producing easily and quickly the perfect outcome, the perfect result.”


“Divine telepathy is now revealing to me all truth about my special powers for prosperity.”


“ I have unshakeable faith in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life, for God is in absolute control.” “God’s almighty power goes before me, making easy, successful and delightful my way.”


“You walk in the charmed circle of God’s love, and you are divinely irresistible to your highest good now.”


“There is no condemnation or resentment in me, for me or round about me. Divine love and harmony now reign supreme in me and in my world so all criticism now ceases.”


“We use the prosperous power of divine intelligence in wisdom, integrity and good judgment in all our financial affairs. We give thanks that every financial obligation is paid on time.”


“There is no criticism or condemnation in me, for me, or against me. Divine love, wisdom and order now reveal perfect guidance and produce perfect results in me and my world.”


“The same divine trust that first motivated this financial transaction is now mightily at work, clearing it up for the highest good for all concerned.”


“There is a divine solution to this situation. The divine solution is the sublime solution. I give thanks that the divine solution quickly appears now!

“I give thanks for the divine restoration in my business affairs, divine restoration is now doing its perfect work for all involved, and the perfect result appears now. I give thanks that every financial obligation is now being met in God’s own wise and wonderful way.”


“Everything and everybody prospers us now, and we prosper everything and everybody now.”


“I give thanks for divine restoration in my business affairs. Divine restoration is now doing its perfect work for all involved, and the perfect result appears now. I give thanks; that every financial obligation is now being met in God’s own wise and wonderful way.”


“I will not put up with or tolerate this experience as necessary, lasting or right. I refuse to accept things as they are. I am God’s child and I will accept nothing but His complete goodness for me.”


“This is God’s day, a good day. I pronounce this day and all of its activities good!”


“I am now open and receptive to the rich, divine ideas that now perfectly initiate and sustain my business affairs.”


“Nothing can defeat me. I give thanks for the perfect, immediate right results. I rejoice that I am now successful in all my ways.”


“I do not depend upon persons or conditions for my prosperity. God is the source of my supply, so I now put God first financially. The voluntary, faithful tithing of my whole income now operates the law of ever-increasing prosperity for me.


“This is a time of satisfying completion. I loose and let go this day. Divine intelligence establishes only good from it. All else fades away.”


“All financial doors are open; all financial channels are free, and endless bounty now comes to me.”


“I use the positive power of God’s rich substance in wisdom, love and good judgment in all my financial affairs, and I am prospered in all my ways.”


“I give thanks that I am beautifully and appropriately:

- clothed with the rich substance of God.
- housed with the rich substance of God.
- transported with the rich substance of God.”

“Divine order is now established and maintained, harmony reigns supreme.”


“My words are charged with prospering power.”


“I give thanks for the immediate, complete payment of all financial obligations, in God’s own wonderful way.”


“I give thanks for the immediate, complete, divine fulfillment of these desires. This or something better comes forth with perfect timing, according to God’s rich good for me.”


SUNDAY, MAY 23, 2021

As we hire the heavens this month there are some basic foundational principles, laws and truths that I would like you to keep foremost in mind. 

Read this daily.




Substance--The divine idea of the underlying reality of all things..  It is everywhere present, pervades all things,  and inspires to action. It underlies all manifestation and is the spiritual essence the living energy out of which everything is made.  It sustains and enriches any idea that is projected into it.

Divine Substance is another name for God and it is our SUPPLY.  It is our SOURCE.  It is the place  from which all resources flow. Out of substance  we  forms whatever we choose to form according to our understanding which determines our faith.  When we enter into the SILENCE and acknowledge divine substance and our oneness with it, we become fully conscious to substance and it goes to work for us.




The Law of Cause and Effect, the foundation of the scientific method, says that there is a reason for everything that happens. For every effect, there is a cause, whether we know what it is or not.



Learned the law of cause and effect from the Africans that raised him.

Moses is the foundational writer of the Bible and because he was raised by Africans the Bible contains basic spiritual beliefs of the Egyptians (Africans) here is the presence of Africa in the Bible and the African influence.   The Egyptian Dynasty is unparalleled.





An appreciation of wealth is needed and It is necessary to dwell upon “Substance” to maintain it.


Substance materializes through the operation of spiritual law rather than force.

Learn to appreciate the physical and metaphysical aspects of prosperity.




A.  Moses began to discipline his personal will.

B.  He gained inner strength by

1. Controlling negative, limiting thoughts

2. Learning to listen to the voice of intuition.


C. The Israelites learned about their “I AM” nature.




He taught them that God was the source of supply.

He taught them that metaphysical laws govern substance.




A. The basic law :  cause and effect.

B. Every experience has a mental basis or cause.



You have the power to choose your thoughts and words.

Learn the power of thought.

Learn that Good is your birthright and can’t be taken away.



There is good in every experience.


Raise your level of consciousness. Dwell on Good. Affirm daily  “I trust in the goodness of God.”




A. Be BOLD in declaring your right to prosperity.
B. Make an effort to claim your spiritual birthright.

C. Learn about the law of mind action and use it constructively.


  1. Speak words of freedom.

  2. Stop talking negatively.


The Law of Mind Action --- “Ideas held in mind produce after their kind.” This is why it is important to hold in your mind what you want and not what you don’t want.


Rev. Shaheerah Stephens, Senior Minister


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